Exit, Pursued by a Bear, the delightfully dark revenge comedy by Lauren Gunderson, has been rescheduled to April 10-12. This student production will now be a featured event at XpressFest.14, the annual showcase of student productions in dramatic media.
Nan is a young woman from North Georgia with big ambitions—dreams that have been smothered by her abusive, hard-drinking, backwoods husband Kyle. After one too many drunken fights, Nan decides to get her revenge. Inspired by the discourse of her hero, President Jimmy Carter, she solicits the help of two fellow dreamers—friend Simon (who serves as an emotional—and actual—cheerleader) and a stripper/acting student named Sweetheart. When Nan tapes Kyle to a recliner in their cabin, she forces him to watch re-enactments from their painful past. To ensure that her revenge is indeed sweet, Nan and friends plot to cover the room in meat and honey—hoping that Kyle is mauled by a bear upon their exit. Through a night of emotional trials and ridiculous theatrics, Nan and Kyle are both freed from their past in this smart, dark revenge comedy—written by one of America’s top young playwrights, and past guest-artist at TLU, Lauren Gunderson.
Nan is a young woman from North Georgia with big ambitions—dreams that have been smothered by her abusive, hard-drinking, backwoods husband Kyle. After one too many drunken fights, Nan decides to get her revenge. Inspired by the discourse of her hero, President Jimmy Carter, she solicits the help of two fellow dreamers—friend Simon (who serves as an emotional—and actual—cheerleader) and a stripper/acting student named Sweetheart. When Nan tapes Kyle to a recliner in their cabin, she forces him to watch re-enactments from their painful past. To ensure that her revenge is indeed sweet, Nan and friends plot to cover the room in meat and honey—hoping that Kyle is mauled by a bear upon their exit. Through a night of emotional trials and ridiculous theatrics, Nan and Kyle are both freed from their past in this smart, dark revenge comedy—written by one of America’s top young playwrights, and past guest-artist at TLU, Lauren Gunderson.